- The linear algebra as a branch of mathematics is the science , which takes matrix theories as center and limited dimension vector space combining with matrix ,namely the theories of the linear space and linear transformation, as the object. 线性代数是代数学的一个分支,它以矩阵理论为中心,以与矩阵结合的有限维向量空间即线性空间和线性变换的理论为对象的一门科学。
- finite dimensional vector space 有限维向量空间
- two dimensional vector space 二维向量空间
- Continuous selections of set-valued maps in finite dimensional vector spaces and its derivatives 有限维空间中集值映射及其导数的连续选择
- A linear equation in n variables represents a "hyperplane" in an n dimensional space. 应用数学与计算方法的相关知识在计算科学中佔有绝对的重要性。
- n dimension vector n维向量
- Geometrically speaking,new positions are selected from an N dimensional hyper-plane. 几何上说,新的职位均选自一个n维超平面。
- The Derivative of a Map between Vector Spaces. 向量空间之间映射的微分。
- We have discussed sum for subspace of vector space, and cannot popularize sum of subspace to infinitude. 摘要对向量空间的子空间的和的概念不能推广到无限多个子空间的情形进行了讨论。
- Compared with the vector space model, the probability model is more effective on describing a users interests. 对比实验表明,概率模型比矢量空间模型更好地表达了用户的兴趣和变化。
- The above formulae may be applied to the study of the inversion of hypersur-faces in the Euclidean space of N dimensions. 应用上述公式讨论n维欧氏空间的反图法。
- Open Bookmark uses the vector space method and social filtering to get useful information for the users. OpenBookm ark使用向量空间法和社会过滤两种信息过滤方式帮助用户获取有用信息。
- Let Nn+p(c)be an n+p dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature c and Mn an n dimensional compact submanifold of Nn+p(c). It is known that there is a Simons'inequality when Mn is minimal. 设Mn是等距浸入在常曲率黎曼流形Nn+p(c)中的n维紧致子流形;若Mn是极小的;有著名的Simons不等式.
- Mathematicianstalk about axioms, integrals, and vector spaces. 数学家谈论的是公理、积分和向量空间。
- There are many different types of abstract space in mathematics, for examples, vector space, inner product space, etc. 数学上存在各种不同的抽象空间,例如向量空间,内积空间等。
- A new hybrid evolutionary LSF codebook optimization algorithm is proposed based on the vector space stretching. 本文提出了一种新型的基于对LSF矢量空间进行拉伸变化的混合进化码书优化算法。
- Through the vector space model, text clustering, genetic algorithms to try a new method summary of the text. 通过空间向量模型、文本聚类、遗传算法等成熟的技术尝试一种新的文本摘要方法。
- We propose a text vector space model (VSM) based on suffix tree and implement a text categorizing system on the model. 摘要本文在面向网络内容分析的前提下,提出了一种基于后缀树的文本向量空间模型(VSM),并在此模型之上实现了文本分类系统。
- In this abstract setting, the scalars with which an element of a vector space can be multiplied need not be numbers. 向量空间是在域上定义的,比如实数域或复数域。
- n dimensional spherical coordinates n维球坐标